The Time of German Occupation 1941–1944.

The Time of German Occupation 1941–1944.

During the German occupation (1941–1944), the Novi Becej postal administration was housed in the Lukseder family's residence located at the corner of Narodnog fronta and Marshal Tito streets. Since the Vranjevo post office was abolished, this one served the needs of the population of both Novi Becej and Vranjevo. Confirmation of this new, joint post office can be seen in letters from that period, where only the stamp "NOVI BEČEJ" is present at the receiving post office. This is also confirmed on a military topographic map (issued by the German military occupation authority) from 1943, where in the territory of Novi Becej and Vranjevo, only one building is marked as the Post Office, and that is precisely the Lukseder house.

According to Vera Tapavički, a retired postal worker, the post office manager from 1942 to 1945 was Margita Švajcer. During World War II, letters and postal shipments were subject to censorship. The Novi Becej post office did not have its own censor; instead, all shipments were censored at the Veliki Bečkerek post office – today's Zrenjanin. All postal shipments from the central and northern Banat regions were first distributed in Veliki Bečkerek, and only after censorship were they sent to the destination address. Even letters sent within the same settlement (from Novi Becej to Novi Becej) had to undergo censorship in Veliki Bečkerek before returning to Novi Becej.

It is interesting to note that the German occupation authorities did not change the name Novi Becej in the postal stamp, but the labels for recommended "R" shipments were bilingual, with German "NEU BETSCHE" and Serbian in Cyrillic "NOVI BEČEJ."

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