After the conclusion of the Second World War, specifically in 1946, the municipalities of Novi Becej and Vranjevo merged, giving rise to a single settlement named VOLOŠINOVO. In gratitude to the Russian soldiers, particularly Russian Colonel Vološinov, who sacrificed his life for the liberation of Novi Becej, our town was named after him. This change was accompanied by a postal stamp, which was circular and featured both Cyrillic and Latin inscriptions of VOLOŠINOVO. By 1947, the postal office was already using an official seal with a Cyrillic inscription, POŠTA VOLOŠINOVO, along with the state coat of arms in the center.
Regarding the postage stamp used for canceling stamps, in April 1948, the stamp with the inscription NOVI BEČEJ was still in use, but from May 1948 onwards, a new stamp with the inscription VOLOŠINOVO came into use. The name of the place on registered mail stickers was written only in Latin letters as VOLOŠINOVO. Cyrillic-Latin stickers for registered mail were still in use in 1945 and 1946 (likely leftovers from before World War II), but in the following years, up to the present day, only those with Latin inscriptions have been used.
In the "PTT Vesnik" magazine, our town was mentioned as Novi Becej in February 1946 and March 1947, while in July 1952, Vološinovo was mentioned as a third-order post office of the Novi Sad Directorate. Also, in the "PTT Vesnik" from April 16, 1952, issue 8, an announcement was made: "By the decision of the Presidium of the People's Assembly of the People's Republic of Serbia, the town of Vološinovo is changed to Novi Becej. Therefore, the post office changes its name."
Not much time passed from the change of the name from Vološinovo to Novi Becej, and by the beginning of July 1952, circular postal stamps with Cyrillic and Latin inscriptions, NOVI BEČEJ - NOVI BEČEJ, came into use. From the 1960/1961 period, alongside the existing postal stamps, a similar one with slightly wider letters also came into use. These two types of postal stamps remained in use until 1971, when postal codes were introduced in the former Yugoslavia (SFRY). The Novi Becej post office was located in the premises of Zoltan Lukseder's house until 1955. When the family house of lawyer Dr. Laslo Šafranj, located at M. Tita Street No. 27, was adapted, the post office moved there and has remained there to this day, with minor interruptions due to various renovations.